Vini Jr.: "We want to win everything that's remaining in order to make it a great season"

2 mois

Vini Jr. spoke to Realmadrid TV following the match between our team and Celta at the Santiago Bernabéu. The Brazilian, scorer of the first goal of the game, said: "We got off to a very good start, pressing from the beginning. That's what makes the difference, when we press the fans come with us and it's very difficult to beat us at home".

"I'm very happy, trying to be my best. The best part of the season is coming up, the good games, and I want to keep going like this. Hopefully staying clear of injuries, which have hampered me a bit this season. I'm doing well".

Changes in his game
"I'm trying to help as much as I can, changing my game. I'm unstoppable, because when I'm not playing well as a winger I go central and the opponents don't know how to defend against me".

15 wins in 18 home games
"Playing at home with the fans makes a difference. We have to get the fans behind us from the start in every game. When they come with us, the opposition know that it's very difficult".

Decisive stage of the season
"We're approaching it as we've been doing from the start, eager to win everything that's remaining in order to make it a great season. The fans deserve everything".

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