Valverde: “We have another game and we're going to go for it"

1 mois

Valverde played a key role for Real Madrid with his goal against Manchester City. The Uruguayan ace unleashed a delightful volley with his right boot to clinch the 3-3 result for our team with 79 minutes on the clock. He spoke to Realmadrid TV about the game following the final whistle: “We would have liked to win it but it wasn't to be. We have to thank the fans because they were right behind us from the first minute. We're all fighting for the same goal, we have another game and we're going to go for it."
“We worked well as a team, every player gave it everything. We were just short on some tactical details that saw us concede a few goals despite a great performance but the second leg is still to come. We have to rest up and get ready for the weekend, because we're still playing for LaLiga, then we can think about City again."
His goal
“It's a great feeling, it's so nice to feel the emotion of scoring a goal. But it wasn't the time to get carried away because we needed another one. There will be time to celebrate later."
The forwards' work rate
“We needed the forwards to help out defensively too and they did that brilliantly. It was an admirable effort by everyone involved."

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