Real Madrid have reached the semi-finals in 12 of the last 14 Champions League campaigns

3 semaine(s)

Real Madrid continue to enhance their record in the semi-finals of Europe's top competition. After eliminating Manchester City, the Whites will be playing in this knockout round for the 33rd time in the club's history. This is a feat that remains almost unattainable for any other club. Bayern Munich, Madrid's opponents for this year's final, have reached the semi-finals the next highest number of times, with 21.

Real Madrid's success in recent seasons has been spectacular. They have reached the Champions League semi-finals in 12 of the 14 most recent editions. Since the 2010/11 campaign, they have only failed to be among the best four in Europe in 2019 and 2020. In addition, with Ancelotti at the helm, Madrid have always reached the semi-finals. In his first spell at the club, they faced Bayern in 2014 before claiming La Décima and Juventus in 2015. After his return to the club, he faced Manchester City in 2022 and 2023, the former on the road to La Decimocuarta.

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