Modrić, Vini Jr., Rodrygo and Lunin called up to represent their national teams

2 mois

Vini Jr, Rodrygo, Modrić and Lunin have been called up to represent their national teams during the international break. The Brazilians will play two friendly matches in Europe. The first will be against England at Wembley (Saturday 23, 8pm), after which they will take on the Spanish national team at the Santiago Bernabéu (Tuesday 26, 9.30pm).

The Croatian midfielder will captain his team again in a friendly tournament in Abu Dhabi. Croatia will play Tunisia in the semi-final at the Al-Nahyan stadium (Friday 22, 7pm). Depending on the result, the second match will take place on Monday 25 or Tuesday 26 against Egypt or New Zealand.

The Ukrainian goalkeeper, meanwhile, is looking to secure qualification for the forthcoming European Championship. Their first step is to reach the play-off final in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Thursday 21, 8.45pm). If they do, they will play in the final on Tuesday 26 against the winner of the Israel-Iceland match.

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